,一些饮料,因为她不会喝酒 right now, he's probably up behind her with a pool stick showing her how to shoot a combo 现在,他可能就在她身后用台球杆教她如何打撞球 and he don't know 而他不知道 i dug my key into the side of his pretty little souped-up 4 wheel drive 我用自己的钥匙进到他那辆可爱的车子里 carved my name into his leather seat 在他的真皮座椅上刻上我的名字 i took a louisville slugger to both head lights 我用一根路易斯维尔的球棒打碎两盏车前灯 slashed a hole in all 4 tires 在4个车轮上都戳了个洞 and maybe next time he'll think before he cheats 也许下次他会想到之前他的那些谎话 right now, she's probably up singing some white-trash version of shania karaoke 现在,她可能在唱“白色垃圾版的仙妮亚的卡拉ok” (仙妮亚有一首歌其中有这么一句“man, i feel like woman”,“白色垃圾版的仙妮亚的卡拉ok”的意思是就是这句歌词的意思。) right now, she's probably saying, i'm drunk 现在,她可能说“我醉了” and he's a thinking that he's gonna getlucky 而他可能在想他可真幸运 right now, he's probably dabbing on 3dollars worth of that bathroom polo 现在,他可能在喷酒店的卫生间里提供的廉价古龙香水。 and he don't know 而他不知道 i dug my key into the side of his pretty little souped-up 4 wheel drive 我用自己的钥匙进到他那辆可爱的车子里 carved my name into his leather seat 在他的真皮座椅上刻上我的名字 i took a louisville slugger to both head lights 我用一根路易斯维尔的球棒打碎两盏车前灯 slashed a hole in all 4 tires 在4个车轮上都戳了个洞 and maybe next time he'll think before he cheats 也许下次他会想到之前他的那些谎话 i might've saved a little trouble for the next girl 我也许又救了一个有点小麻烦的另一个女孩 'cause the next time that he cheats 因为下次他还会说谎 oh, you know it won't be on me! 哦,我知道我不会这样M.iYiguo.neT