s good as the ebony fragrance on lin qingxu's body, obviously lin qingxu has gone out, but she feels that lin qingxu's traces and smell are everywhere. after being stuffy in the bed for a long time, su yi quickly poked his head out of the bed, changed the pajamas on his body, changed into a nightdress, turned off the light again, and lay down. the room was dark, there was no light outside, the room was warm, and the bed was soft and comfortable, giving su yi a suitable environment for sleeping, but she couldn't sleep a little. a pair of apricot eyes lit up, and he still recalled the scene just now in his mind. in fact, it was a little vague, because they were already confused at that time, where do they remember so much, but su yi still couldn't help but think about it. 别一天到晚锁锁锁,没事多吃溜溜梅(天天开心哦,我亲爱的b***h审核大人)。 心里还是很害羞,脸上的红晕在黑暗中隐藏,久久未消。但在害羞的同时,还有一股隐隐的兴奋升起。原来和喜欢的人做亲密的事情会如此让人兴奋,细细密密小小的喜悦升起,将她包围。 心脏砰砰地跳动,在寂静的夜里显得格外清晰。 林清许回房后,先去洗了个澡,水温有点冷,才堪堪将身上的温度和眼里的欲念降下来。可降下来没多久,林清许回想到苏意单纯的杏眼,明明没有一丝欲、念,可只一眼就让他心里的欲、望恶、魔浴火而生。 最后实在欲、念难消,林清许靠在浴室有些凉意的瓷砖上,手扶着根本行动,花洒喷下的水浇湿了他的头发。林清许浓密的睫毛上也沾满了水珠,他皱着眉有些苦恼,苦恼迟迟不肯出来。 睁开眼,原本清风明月的眸子早就不见,看着花洒喷洒下的水,眼眸漆黑,深深沉沉的欲、望将他吞噬。 he thought back to su yi, thought of the dark blue pajamas that were spilled with milk, thought of su yi's pure eyes, thought of gentle and gentle touches, thought of soft and boneless hands, thought of undulating mountains, and falling red persimmons. finally, when the entire bathroom was filled with water mist, lin qingxu snorted and was finally released. the groggy, drowsy and confusing night has finally passed. ...... 第二天,苏意睡到自然醒。她脸红红的,想到昨晚做的梦,脸变得更红了。她拍了拍自己,脑袋晕晕的让自己清醒点。 因为视频已经传过去,苏意的工作已经解决了许多。她又赖了会儿床,决定今天在凤宁镇再转转,明天再启程。m.iyIguo.nEt